Depression is a serious medical condition. The symptoms of Depression may include feeling sad, experiencing changes in sleep and weight, feeling hopeless, experiencing loss of energy, loss of interest, and thoughts of suicide.
Dr. Fruitman treats depression artfully integrating his skills as a psychopharmacologist and psychotherapist, with options in innovative technology. We offer TMS therapy, Ketamine therapy, expert Psychopharmacology and Psychotherapy, individual counseling and individualized treatment plans to every patient.
Generalized Anxiety Disorder, GAD, is characterized by a pattern of excessive worry, even when there is little to provoke it. Sometimes, Anxiety is accompanied by the physical symptoms of muscle tension, headaches, insomnia and fatigue. Generalized Anxiety is often under diagnosed. Patients frequently do not seek help for GAD, because they see themselves as “worry warts”. Frequently, patients continue to function well despite GAD, but their quality of life suffers. Often, untreated GAD leads to alcohol or substance abuse, as patients seek relief by self-medicating their anxiety.
We help patients to improve their symptoms by using expert Psychopharmacology, hypnosis, and/or individual counseling.
Panic Disorder is characterized by unexpected and repeated episodes of intense fear, accompanied by physical symptoms that may include chest pain, heart palpitations, skin tingling, shortness of breath, dizziness, or abdominal distress. People with Panic Disorder have feelings of terror that strike suddenly and repeatedly with no warning. Due to panic attacks, patients start avoiding activities that make panic attacks likely to occur, and some even become home bound.
Here we focus on helping patients with Panic Disorder feel more in control. We believe that the fear of panic attacks can become more disabling then the panic attack itself. We help our patients to achieve control over Panic Disorder with the use of expert Psychopharmacology and relaxation techniques.
Social Phobia is a persistent and irrational fear of situations that may involve scrutiny or judgment by others in social situations. Patients with Social Phobia may appear to others as very shy. However, Social Phobia may prevent individuals from attending social events, participating in public speaking and from forming important relationships. People with Social Phobia are at high risk for alcohol or other drug dependence, because they may come to rely on drinks or drugs to relax in social situations.
Although many people with Social Phobia realize that their fears about being with people are excessive or unreasonable, they are unable to overcome them on their own. We can help patients overcome Social Phobia by Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and expert Psychopharmacology.
Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
We are dedicated to helping adult professionals and students get rapid relief of their ADD/ADHD symptoms with targeted and efficient, powerful psychopharmacologic intervention with individual counseling.
What is adult attention deficit disorder?
Many adults have ADD/ADHD and don’t know they have it. ADD/ADHD is the second most common psychiatric illness of biological origin and affects approximately 4-5% of the population worldwide (as per WHO). Frequently, adults with ADD/ADHD experience challenges at work or school but compensate for them with quick, outside of the box thinking and the ability to hyper-focus for a short period of time.
Common signs and symptoms of adult ADHD include:
• Procrastination
• Frequent lateness
• Poor concentration with tedious tasks
• Inability to refocus quickly when interrupted
• Frequent fender-bender auto-accidents
• Difficulty sitting in on job related meetings
• Disorganization
• Forgetfulness
• Frequent loss of phones, keys, and wallets
• Difficulty starting and/or finishing projects
• Moving from one task to another, being involved in too many projects simultaneously
• Time-management issues, over-estimating available time or time it takes to finish the task
• Making impulsive decisions, poor planning, impulsive spending
• Tendency to interrupt others
Not every person with ADD/ADHD has every symptom, nor do they experience symptoms to the same degree. Adult ADD/ADHD must be diagnosed by a Board Certified Psychiatrist. Dr. Edward Fruitman specializes in the treatment of Adult ADD/ADHD in NYC and Long island. If you have struggle at work and/or school with procrastination, lateness, completing routine boring tasks, and/or time management, call us to schedule an appointment for a comprehensive evaluation. With proper diagnosis and treatment, adult ADD/ADHD does not have to negatively impact an individual’s life.
How is it different to childhood ADHD?
Many adults with ADD/ADHD exhibited some symptoms of ADD/ADHD in childhood, which went undiagnosed due to parental resistance and/or adequate school performance.
Symptoms of ADD/ADHD change with age. Hyperactivity and impulsivity can improve with age, while procrastination and time management issues may become more visible due to increased responsibility. Adults with ADD/ADHD are more likely to smoke, drink alcohol, use drugs, and in some cases, engage in risky sexual behaviors. A diagnosis of ADHD is frequently very liberating to a person who struggled all of their life with symptoms that they could not define or understand.
Life Long Progression of ADD/ADHD
A common misconception is that ADHD affects only children. In fact, 60% of children with ADHD may continue to have symptoms as adults. The average age of an Adult ADD/ADHD patient in treatment is 35. ADD/ADHD is the most under-diagnosed and under-treated mental health problem (only 5% of diagnosed patients get proper treatment). It is not surprising that Adults with ADD/ADHD need the most help in their 20’s and 30’s: it is the time of life that is more professionally challenging. Most young professionals do not have a choice which task they must perform themselves and which can be delegated. Moreover, most young professionals do not control their work environment. Professionals can frequently ameliorate ADHD symptoms later in their career by adjusting their work environment, delegating tasks and getting assistants.
ADHD Medications
Most ADHD symptoms improve safely, quickly and effectively with medications. When patients experience the positive effect of medication for the first time, they feel profound relief. The effect is so sudden and dramatic; it is frequently compared to the effect of putting on glasses and seeing clearly for the first time. Stimulants are believed to enhance the availability of the brain’s chemical messengers Dopamine and Norepinephrine.
The stimulants include medications like Ritalin, Concerta, Adderall, Adderall XR, Vyvanse, Focalin, Strattera, and others. As long as stimulant medications are used as prescribed, they can alleviate symptoms safely. Some patients with family history of heart disease or history of cardiac anomalies may require a cardiogram (a routine part of initial evaluation). Our practice has a policy of prescribing stimulants only to patients who need stimulants to improve their productivity and to use longer-acting stimulants first, whenever possible. Other, non-FDA approved, but frequently used medications are Desipramine, Effexor, and Bupropion. Some patients may benefit from stimulant antidepressant medications and/or prescription vitamins.
Childhood ADHD differs from adult ADHD in many ways. Parents of newly diagnosed children with ADHD often don’t know where to begin. There are many treatment options available, we will work with the child, family and school system to find the right treatment plan to aid in your child’s success. Using behavioral therapy, medications and school interventions, we will focus on redirection, creating routines, coping skills, classroom management, organizational skills, peer interventions, educational accommodations, etc.
COMMON Medication options
Stimulants: The best and most widely used medications for ADHD/ADD
Non-Stimulants: although not as fast acting as a stimulant medication, these medications tend to last up to 24 hours.
Medications can affect children differently than adults, we may have to try different medications and doses before finding what works best for the child.